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Fit 4 Free fitness Centres

Fit 4 Free fitness Centres
Primary objectives:
Membership sign-up / Centre Promotions & New Centre Openings
Secondary objectives:
Brand Exposure / Competitive First Strike
Campaign Details:

An international brand and one of the largest budget gym operators in Holland has decided to expand and open branches in the UK. Arriving in the UK it has immediately taken over some existing gyms; allocated further funds for premises upgrading; new fitness machines and a new look. Using Advans within their marketing mix the client wished to use advans to promote new centre openings and existing membership centre promotions to coincide with the run-up to the New Year. 

Campaign Route Details:
Intensive Driver Role
Intensive & non-intensive route plans/briefs
Intensive Logistics Role from Management/Campaign-operator

Client had provided a mix of intensive route plans and also some non-intensive route briefs which it had gathered from each of the fitness centres that were being promoted. A couple of the fitness centres routes were quite intensive and a couple were quite relaxed in terms of time and area allocations as long as high exposure was delivered in terms of targeting busy commuter routes; high streets within the catchement areas and competition areas.

Logistically the F4F campaigns were easy to operate.  Accommodation only needed to be booked once per campaign area booking. The same accommodation was required for the duration of the campaigns for driver and advan. Each campaign was targeting to a local and wider catchment area in and around the vicinity of their fitness centres so no further operator assistance was required.

Campaign Areas:
Birmingham; Worcester; Liverpool; Bury
Campaign Pictures:
Fit 4 Free fitness Centres Fit 4 Free fitness Centres